I ran across this quote while I was reading a book (Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World) a couple of days ago. "Sometime, the best way to reclaim someone who is on the wrong path is to treat him not with suspicion but with trust; not as if we expected the worse, but as if we expected the best" - William Barclay
Now I don't have anyone in mind while I am talking about this quote, but I will say that I have been struggling a lot with expectation. What is an okay expectation, but what is not an okay expectation? I find that when I am in expectation mode I am trying to fill an empty spot in my life with imperfect people. No one can read my mind, nor is there one person who can live up to my expectations! The only way to fill that emptiness is being in a full and complete relationship with my Heavenly Father, hence the rejuvenation that I spoke briefly on in my last post.
So obviously some or a certain kind of expectation is okay/needed. Is it all based on our attitude or response? The example that was given in conjunction with the above quote was how Jesus treated Judas even when he knew Judas' heart and intention. Jesus still treated Judas with love and respect and continued to give him responsibility as he remained in community with the disciples. As I continue to read this quote though, just like in Jesus' case, one could bear much heartache. A lot of times your expectations, if you expect only the best, are going to be shattered. Yet I keep going back and thinking if this is what Jesus did, then only through Him can I truly bear the heartache. And isn't this a true picture of love? Even though Jesus knew what Judas was going to do to him, he still continued to love him. HEARTACHE!!! I'm not one that likes to bear burden or heartache, is there really anyone who like that? But I do know that Jesus' burden is light, so maybe it does all come down to our attitude, hence our reaction to disappointment would be different.
What are the expectations we should have? What does Jesus expect from us? Hmmm...have I confused you enough yet? Any revelations to share with me? Alright I think that my brain is starting to spin again, so I'm going to stop before this truly becomes senseless :). Maybe I will write more on this later.
Until next time....
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